Slight Niagara Falls Doubletree name change

    As regular visitor Adam pointed out, the Niagara Falls Doubletree has changed their name. It used to be:

    Doubletree Resort Lodge & Spa Fallsview

    It is now:

    Doubletree Fallsview Resort & Spa by Hilton

    I contacted the Doubletree to get the scoop and this is what I found out. The addition of the “by Hilton” at the end was done by the brand. Apparently all Hilton Family Hotels outside of the US now have that in their name. As for removing the “Lodge” portion, it wasn’t mandated, but it was suggested. They found that too few people understood Lodge and that tipped the scale to Resort. However they still are promoting the “architectural elements” of the hotel.

    Personally, I think the “by Hilton” is clunky, but I like the main part of the name. “Resort & Spa” seems to flow better than “Resort Lodge & Spa” (it seemed redundant). On the other hand, I guess it’s unfortunate that the word Lodge is gone, as people won’t be able to tell right away how beautiful the hotel really is. As I wrote before, it is absolutely gorgeous, and the lobby/atrium definitely feels like a lodge.

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