More on new Convention Center

From  Niagara This Week The city has officially named the designer for its multi-million dollar convention centre due to open in the spring of 2011. Bondfield Construction, a Toronto-based builder whose portfolio includes Niagara College’s Niagara-on-the-Lake campus, the Queenston-Lewiston Bridge Plaza redevelopment and the Hilton Fallsview Hotel, will take on the design of the Niagara…

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    Digimon Adventure Online Games: Hello From Niagara Falls- Exploring The Clifton Hills Entertainment Area and Doing A Little Gambling

    Someone with a Blogger blog posted about a recent trip to Niagara Falls: Yesterday morning my last full day in Niagara Falls, Ontario, had arrived. After a packed schedule the day before that had included a wonderful presentation at the Imax Theatre, my up-close encounter with the Great Falls at the Journey Behind the Falls…

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    See anything missing?

    I noticed a couple of weeks ago, and I am not sure if this has been mentioned yet? However the crane tower has been officially taken down inside of the former Crowne Plaza Hotel (stump). This tower located at the corner of Dunn and Stanley has never gone past the initially constructed base. I assume that this means it is officially dead regarding talk…

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      “Conquering Niagara” by National Geographic

      I originally heard about this many months ago from the Clifton Hill blog… Here is a 5-minute long video on YouTube that is from the National Geographic Channel called Conquering Niagara about Peter deBernardi going over the Falls. [youtube][/youtube] You can read more about the broadcast of the show on the National Geographic Channel web…

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