Tourism, you’re either in or you’re out! – Part 1

    If you visit this web site regularly, you know that the commentors have opinions, some of the very strong! On a recent post, regular commentor Fallsview wrote, “I could personally write a 3 page letter with my own thoughts about what I think it will take to turn it around.” Well, here’s his chance. He actually went a little longer that he predicted. He sent me a 4-page document outlining his thoughts on Niagara Falls. I asked him why the passion. He responded, “I have absolutely no ties to it whatsoever, my passion lies more for the Falls and city itself. I think it is the one true destination in Canada with the most potential, but no one seems to want to take the horns and run with it. That’s why your site is so important for regular people to voice their opinions on what we think needs changing.”

    I have divided his document into 5 parts, and will post one each day this week. I have not edited the writing at all for grammar or spelling, but I have added links to applicable websites when a place is mentioned.

    Travel & Tourism provides significant economic, social and cultural benefits and enhances our reputation globally. In 2006, there were over 842 million travelers throughout the globe; 13 million of those visited us.
    Many words have been used to describe what Niagara Falls is or is not! I personally used the word Sexy three years ago to my wife to describe what Las Vegas is and what Niagara Falls is not! Even though many would not put Niagara Falls in the same class as Las Vegas, (and rightfully so), they do share one similar dynamic, they are both considered each countries playground. However when looking at the many unbiased travel reviews for top vacation destinations, more times than not a review on Niagara Falls cannot even be found, yet places such as Ethiopia (I think we all remember this very poor country), Turkey as well as emerging markets such as Tanzania, India and Libya are all becoming the planned choice for travelers. Why is that one of the most famous landmarks on the planet is still not considered a top destination for travelers throughout the USA and overseas? In order to compete effectively, your marketing needs to be DIFFERENT and BETTER and yes even sometimes SEXIER than your competition. By “better” I don’t mean that you need to spend a fortune on your advertising. You do need to reach your audience better than your competition. In 2006 Australia realized that they needed a new eccentric approach to bring their numbers back! Quote: “(We have tried images of the rock, the reef and the bridge. We even threw shrimps on the barbie. Now it seems we have to swear at tourists in order to get them Down Under.)” In a deliberate hark back to the successful Paul Hogan “Shrimp on the barbie” ads of the 1980s, a cheeky new campaign to promote Australia as a destination will issue a “uniquely Australian invitation to travel” with the words: “So where the bloody hell are you?)” End Quote: These marketing strategies tell the audience that they are fresh, vibrant, edgy and fun. Why do you think “What Happens in Vegas stays in Vegas” is such a part of our cultural psyche now. Everyone on Earth with a television has already seen footage of the Falls a thousand times over, it doesn’t change, and it also doesn’t have to dominate every single advertising brochure, promotional booklet/magazine, commercial or any other form of media that is thrown at us in an ineffective way. Show us why we want to spend a weekend here, show us what we’ll see and do, tell us what to expect, and make us want to know more…marketing is perception, and good marketing leaves us with a desire to want to know more about a product. The reason that so many people attend Marineland, isn’t because of the incredible diversity of the park, or new and up-dated rides. And obviously not for the abundant and easy to find restrooms and refreshment stands. (As a matter of fact, most parents leave tired and slightly disappointed in the park.) It’s because they came up with a catchy slogan turned jingle that makes my 3 year old daughter stop what she is doing, stand up and do her little “Everyone loves Marineland dance” and then asks us when we are going back to (Ma- een- land ). It’s pure marketing genius, owner John Holer knows this, and it’s worked for generations!

    Niagara Falls is still “NOT” a major player in the multi-trillion dollar tourist landscape, it is made up primarily of individual business people/families, who have no real long term plan for what is considered to be a major economical enhancement to most cities and even countries We need to start by thinking differently, what ways can you market to your target customers or gain publicity that are different then other destinations in your industry? You need to find a brand that makes sense for what you want to be perceived as and go with it. Everyone included! This includes residents of the city that feel as if they are being shafted in comparison to the Tourism sector. The truth is that we have more benefits in a city of 80,000 then most cities of 200,000 have, due to the economic benefits through tax revenue. By investing in growth industries like tourism, we can help buffer the heavy loss of our industry sector. Tourism is also vital for many countries, due to the income generated by the consumption of goods and services by tourists. In the United States alone, 1 out of every 18 people has a job directly resulting from the travel industry, and travel & tourism generates 700 billion in direct travel expenditures, and over 109 billion in tax revenue for the local, state and federal governments. Without this tax revenue each American household would pay an additional $994 dollars in taxes. Las Vegas holds every major event known to man, has it’s own television series, a show called Mindfreak based on the magic of street performer Chris Angel, UFC Championships and hit T.V series Ultimate Fighter, as well as the best acts in the world performing every night. Why? Because the bottom line of what makes a place cool, popular, sexy and inviting is the perception that it gives off through media exposure, movies, television, talk shows and most importantly word of mouth. Niagara Falls receives more criticism then praise for its tackiness and tourist trap attitude. We are no different than any other city looking for tourism dollars to survive, we have the means to become something great, we just need to believe that we are more than a rubber tire day tripper market. It’s time to get in the game, it’s time to start thinking outside the box and run with the big dogs. Because in today’s Tourism Industry…. If you’re not “IN” then your “Out.”

    Other parts in the series:

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