Dinosaurs: Giants of Patagonia – Niagara Falls IMAX Theatre

    Dinosaurs: Giants of Patagonia

    This past Tuesday the IMAX Theatre in Niagara Falls had a “hospitality” night. I was able to go with my two sons to see the film Dinosaurs: Giants of Patagonia. The theatre of course will still be showing the Niagara Falls IMAX film a dozen times a day, but there are a few showings of this film as well.

    The movie itself was well done, as could be expected. There were some awesome aerial shots of the area of Argentina that the movie is about. However, given all of the information that is out there about dinosaurs, the content of the movie was kind of boring. It seemed to be a Discovery channel documentary put on a big screen. My sons kept asking me when it was going to be over. Again, I emphasize that the sounds and image quality were fantastic. It’s just not a very exciting movie. I’m a big fan of IMAX movies, so I still enjoyed the movie, but I’m sure there were many there who were disappointed.

    I should note that I think the movie is supposed to be in 3D, whereas the theatre is only setup for 2D. The movie may be much better when seen in 3D.

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