Captive Killers – Junior

    I’m sure there are lots of anti-Marineland sites out there. I am certainly not going to post about every complaint, but I thought that this one was particularly interesting, because it mentions the “warehouse” that has caused some controversy for Marineland over the years.

    Junior was captured from Iceland in 1984. He was then transported to Marineland Ontario. Junior spent the last four years of his short life in an awful tiny tank inside a windowless store cynically called the “warehouse” (because arriving dolphins were “stored” there before they were declared ready for the public pool). During this time he was without sunlight and outside air.

    I have no inside information, but I think that the whales have much better conditions now than before. Also, with everyone having cell phone cameras, and with the public able to get so much information, it would be very hard these days for a company to operate questionable facilities.

    Note: I understand there are those who are no matter what think that whales should not be kept in captivity. This posting is made to provide some information. If you want to debate the ethics of holding whales/dolphins/seals/walruses captive, please do it elsewhere. I will moderate comments.

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