This is a continuation of my “Best of Access Niagara” series. This series looks back on popular posts, highly commented posts, my favourite places, etc.
It looks like my first mention of Canyon Creek Chophouse was in April 2007 as a result of a newsletter from the city talking about how they had opened. To tell you the truth, I had never set foot in either Casino before, and had no idea there was a big shopping area inside the Fallsview Casino. I had heard about the buffet, but I assumed everything was connected to the gaming floor somehow.
Anyway, at some point I was contacted by someone who worked there and they offered me a complimentary meal in exchange for writing about the restaurant. I took my family there (5 of us) and had an amazing dinner. It was so good, that my wife and I continued to go for many years (and we paid our own way!). Whenever someone would ask me about a good restaurant in the area, I would always tell them about Canyon Creek Chophouse.
The restaurant is situated right up against the windows on the back side of the Fallsview Casino building, so you get a great view of the Falls.
The menu has changed quite a bit. We went a year or two ago, and they didn’t have the same items, and we were both really disappointed. We tried a couple of other things, and just didn’t care for them. I’m sure it is still a popular restaurant, but it’s not really one that we’ll go back to again.
Here is a post I put up about an anniversary dinner I had there with my wife.
Visit other pages from the “Best of Access Niagara” series:
- Best of Access Niagara – Doubletree Marineland package
2 thoughts on “Best of Access Niagara – My visits to Canyon Creek Chophouse”