International kites take flight

    Niagara This Week has more information on the International Kite Festival:

    The annual Niagara International Kite Festival is set to include kites from all over the world.

    Meg Robinson-Albers, event co-ordinator for the festival said kite flyers love to fly their kites in unique and intersting places and that’s why the event organizers pull a lot of strings to hold the event.

    “We go through a lot of trouble and jump through a lot of hoops and get permits for the two days,” said Robinson-Albers, adding that viewers everywhere from Table Rock to North of the Whirlpool Bridge will be able to see the kites. “Kites are like poetry in motion; you combine art, beauty and science to symbolize peace, friendship and unity.”

    The kites will be flying over the Niagara Gorge and various spots along the Niagara River on both sides of the American and Canadian border throughout the weekend of Oct. 2 to 5, during the fifth annual festival.

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