Loneliest guy in town visits Falls

    From the Niagara Falls Review:

    Go ahead. Try to trip up the Maytag Repairman. He has an answer for everything.

    “Are you actually handy? Can you even fix anything at all?” an intrepid reporter asks, grilling Clay Jackson, the actor who plays the longest-running advertising character in TV history.

    “I don’t need to,” Jackson answers without skipping a beat. Maytag appliances are so dependable, they hardly break down, he says, rehashing a line the company began using before he was born.

    It has been more than 40 years since the Maytag Repairman became TV’s “loneliest guy in town.”

    The Maytag Repairman was in Niagara Falls Wednesday for the induction ceremony of the “Dependability Hall of Fame,” a promotional idea the company’s marketing department dreamed up to celebrate its centennial…

    Niagara Falls was the backdrop for the dependability hall of fame because the world-famous waterfall was named “Canada’s most dependable landmark.”

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