Note: I am not asking for anything here. I’m just sharing some information.
Yesterday I received an email that I had received a donation via PayPal. I had totally forgotten I had this setup. A few years ago I setup a page at where people could make a donation. I think this is only the second one I’ve ever received.
Some people wonder how I do what I do. My costs are minimal. I pay for a very basic hosting account. In some ways, you do get what you pay for. The site generally works, but other times it seems quite slow. Considering the price I pay, I’m willing to put up with that for now. The main way that the site is supported is with the Google Ads. I would prefer not to have any, as I really don’t make that much from them, but since I need to pay the bills somehow, I have to leave them. It takes a few months worth of clicks for me to earn enough to get paid. Those payments end up being enough to cover my web hosting bills.
I also get “paid” in a way because I get into various attractions for free. Since this saves me money, it is definitely one of the “perks” of having the site.
So, how can you support AccessNiagara and the Niagara Falls Blog? Well, you could donate. If you would prefer not to give money directly, then the best thing is to get the word out about the site. Share links on Facebook, retweet my tweets, post links to relevant pages on forums that you visit, etc. If the site traffic grows, than it will naturally generate more ad clicks, which will earn me a bit more money. Also, as more people visit the site, I have more “leverage” when it comes to contacting the various operators and suggest I come by for a visit.
Just in case you are worried, I have no plans to end the site. I do what I can, and hope that it continues. I enjoy it, and I enjoy my interactions with the community that has developed.