Niagara Falls: Mother Nature at close range is not just for honeymooners video

From Stuff (New Zealand):

With all the rules in life – chew with your mouth closed, don’t talk to strangers, look both ways before you cross the street – there’s another that should probably be added to the list: don’t propose to your girlfriend while 170 million litres of water a minute is hurtling over a 52m precipice next to you.

I can see why the young German backpacker thought it might be a good idea: get down on bended knee as the catamaran approaches Niagara’s Horseshoe Falls and his beloved will be so overawed by the majesty of the spectacle, she’ll have to say yes.

But when you get this close to one of the seven natural wonders of the world, it’s a little like being in the spin cycle of a washing machine.

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