From the London Free Press:
Nik Wallenda is set to walk across the Niagara Gorge on a wire in eight days, but first he has to figure out how he’s going to get the wire from one side of the Niagara River to the other.
The logistics of stringing the 550-metre wire from Goat Island in the U.S. to Table Rock in Canada are proving to be more difficult than Wallenda first thought.
To get the 18-tonne wire across the gorge, a guide line first has to be moved from one side to the other. The plan was originally to use a helicopter for the task.
But Niagara Helicopters has had to bow out because it wasn’t given enough time to get the paperwork it needed, said Anna Pierce, the company’s vice-president.
You can read more at:
- WGRZ Channel 2in Buffalo – Wallenda Walk: With Nine Days Left, New Questions Surface
This story seems to just keep getting worse, and worse.
they figured this out a century ago, but we can’t do it NOW? that’s just funny. Believe me – i get how big a task this is, but i would have thought HOW they were going to go about this would have been a prerequisite on approving this deal.
as i stated before – i will be watching the broadcast. that is, if they can get the wire up. 🙂
I hope Nik falls cause he shouldn’t even be allowed to cross when Jay has asked way before Nik.
I won’t be watching it but I hope he does fall.