Disney brings Pirates to the falls

    From the Niagara Falls Review:

    Like a pirate in the night, a film crew for the third “Pirates of the Caribbean” movie sneaked in and out of town this week.

    Autograph hounds needn’t fret – stars Johnny Depp, Kiera Knightley and Orlando Bloom weren’t among them. Instead, Walt Disney Studios shot footage of the Horseshoe Falls using helicopters and a high-tech crane for scenes in which the actors will be superimposed upon later.

    Both sides of the border were utilized.

    Filming started Monday at Terrapin Point in Niagara Falls, N.Y., eventually moving to Table Rock on the Canadian side Wednesday.

    Niagara Parks Commission public relations manager Sarah Wood said the crew used the same complex Strada crane that was used to film the IMAX movie “Niagara: Miracles, Myths and Magic” in the mid 1980s, which is still screened at the Niagara Falls IMAX Theatre.

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