A Sportsman’s Tale: Did this bass take the fall?

A fun little story from the Buffalo News:

As a charter captain, I fish the Niagara River a lot – both above and below Niagara Falls.

One thought that goes through everyone’s mind who fishes this mighty river is: How many fish go over the falls … and survive?…

He fought the fish for a few minutes and as I netted it, we could see there was a green tag attached to the back of the fish… I…found out that the bass had been tagged during the Canadian Tire Lake Erie Classic Bass Tournament from October of 2015. According to the tournament director, they tagged and released it in Chippewa Creek – off the Upper Niagara River.

So what accounts for the fish ending up in the lower Niagara? There are two options. It either swam upriver into Lake Erie, took a right and made another right at the Welland Canal, then proceeded to swim the canal to Lake Ontario, take a right and then take another right into the Niagara River, again swimming upriver, or …

It took a short cut and dropped over the falls and ended up just north of Lewiston. I believe it’s the latter.

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