I posted yesterday the following:
…if anyone is interested in helping me blog about Niagara Falls, send me an email and we can discuss it. There is no real money earned from the site (as mentioned before, I make enough to cover expenses), but if you are a fan of Niagara Falls and want to meet some new people, it might a good thing for you to try.
Someone emailed me and asked what kind of help I was specifically looking for. Rather than just reply to her, I figured it would be good for everyone to read.
As you know, the site is basically a hobby of mine. I’ve gotten some decent publicity over the years, but it is getting increasingly difficult for me to keep up with things. As my family gets older and more involved with things, I just don’t have the same time I had before.
So, I’d be happy to have someone (multiple people maybe) help me with the blog. I’m essentially just looking for people to add worthwhile content. This could be any of the following:
- Links to online articles
- Write-ups about your visits to local attractions or hotels
- Post a current picture here or there showing something nice
- Memories of Niagara Falls with some older pictures
- Hidden gems in the area
- Travel tips when coming to Niagara Falls
Remember, the purpose of the blog is generally to promote Niagara Falls. That doesn’t mean all of the reviews have to be glowing, but I am looking for positive contributions.
You would have to be local or travel here a lot if you are going to post about current things. However, some of the other things wouldn’t require to be anywhere near Niagara Falls. I guess if you like Niagara Falls and like the Niagara Falls Blog, then I’m sure I can find something for you to do to help.
I have lots of photos and experiences. I’d like to help. Can you email me Graham? Your blog is a donotreply.
Hey Trey. I’ve emailed you at the email address that you have registered for the blog.
Dude, you’ve found your girl. How do we do this? I promise the word dude won’t make it into any posts. But any old pictures will have to be approved by my mom haha! 🙂
Dudette, I’ve emailed you and am waiting for a reply
I emailed back. I can’t wait to get started! 🙂
Yes, I got your email. I just haven’t had a chance to send you any details. I will sometime in the next day or two.
It would be such a sad day if this blog ever went away 🙁
Thanks Niagara 🙂
I’ve had a few responses from people, so we’re going to try a few things. Hopefully we’ll have some new/different content posted in the coming weeks/months.
I have enjoyed your blog for some time now … I would be happy to contribute a photo or 2 on a weekly basis. My family usually makes one or two trips to Niagara Falls every year and I take a lot of photographs.
Here is a link to photos I’ve posted on my blog. (I have tons more that I haven’t posted yet.) http://seldomseen821.blogspot.com/search/label/Niagara
Thanks Nick. I have a couple of people who have volunteered already, so I’m going to start with that and see how it goes. I’ll let you know if we need more.
Thanks also for posting the link to the pictures. They look nice.
Wow Nick those photos are incredible!