Twitter updates for 2010-04-08

RT @niafallsreview: Dates have been set for the 3rd annual Springilicious festival in downtown Niagara Falls # – The ice cream place beside the Fun Factory on Clifton Hill is boarded up. Before it was boarded up, you could se # @ChrisEnnest I'm not up on UFC. That was the subject line of…

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Bad news for tourism

From the Niagara Falls Review: American pastures are looking a lot greener for Canadian shoppers after the loonie opened trading Wednesday at par with the U.S. dollar. While parity may be nothing more than a psychological milestone, the northward march of the Canadian dollar against the greenback could see more people and jobs heading south….

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Canadians Love Deals in WNY

From WKBW Channel 7 in Buffalo: If you’re anywhere near a local mall these days there’s good chance you’ll spot even more Canadian license plates than usual. That’s because the Canadian dollar has grown stronger and now goes further at U.S. Stores. Better selection and lower taxes on this side of the border have long…

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