From the Niagara Falls Review:
For the 65,000 Koreans George Denning’s company brought to Niagara Falls last year, “Maid of the Mist” was what they knew. He predicted it would be “automatic” if they had to choose between the Maid of the Mist operating on the American side of the Niagara River and a new company running boat tours on the Canadian side, he said.
“The whole thing is the Maid of the Mist. They’re not going to know some other company,” said Denning, a New York City tour operator for Dongbu Travel and Tours, the second-largest travel agency in South Korea.
Maid of the Mist is a name Canada’s tourism industry banks on. The thought of it becoming an American-only experience has city councillors wondering if the provincial government is jeopardizing the industry by inviting other companies to vie for the right to run boat tours from the Canadian shore of the Niagara River.