Niagara Falls in Summer 2009 (pictures and video)

The weather on the 4th of July this year was awesome. The sky was blue and the temperature was in the mid 20°s C (around 70° F), so I went out and took some pictures and a video. The pictures were taken with my regular camera, but the video was taken with a new small…

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View from 9th floor gets judge’s clearance

From the Buffalo News: A ninth-floor observation deck in One Niagara on Rainbow Boulevard is open to the public after a judge’s ruling allowed the building’s manager to sidestep approval from the city to open the top floor. Supreme Court Justice Richard C. Kloch Sr. on Thursday issued an order to allow the building’s ninth…

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What Was I Thinking?: Fashion Tips From Tourists

Someone with a Blogger blog posted about living near Niagara Falls: I live in the small city of St. Catharines (Google it, nothing interesting will come up.) which is just outside of the more well known city of Niagara Falls. This Canadian/American border plays host to millions of tourists a year who come to see…

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