Maid of the Mist – History

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    This is not going to be an exhaustive report on the history of the Maid of the Mist. For that, I would encourage you to visit the Official Maid of the Mist web site. This is just a quick timeline of some important events that have happened in its history.

    Other than the Falls themselves, Maid of the Mist is the longest-running attraction around. It all started in 1846 with a single steamboat that acted as a ferry across the river. After a suspension bridge was built in 1848, the focus turned to tourism and in 1854 a second boat was built.

    In 1861, W.O. Buchanon (the owner) needed money and so he sold the boat. However he had to get it downriver to Queenston. This unbelievable trip through the rapids and whirlpool only took 17 minutes, but it has lived on through the years. As I’ve previously covered, the IMAX movie Niagara: Miracles, Myths and Magic has a very dramatic recreation of this trip (visit the previous posting for screenshots from the DVD).

    It wasn’t until 1885 that the Maid of the Mist resumed operations. A second boat was built in 1892.

    In 1955, a fire sparked by a welder’s torch set the boats on fire and they were destroyed. Later that summer and in 1956 modern boats were built and launched that could carry 100 people. You can read my previous posting (from the Niagara Falls Review) about the fire.

    In 1960, the Maid of the Mist II rescued Roger Woodward from the river after he went over the Horseshoe Falls and lived. This too is recreated in the IMAX movie Niagara: Miracles, Myths and Magic (visit the previous posting for screenshots from the DVD).

    In 1972 Maid of the Mist III arrived. It could carry up to 100 passengers. It was no longer used after 1983.

    In 1976 Maid of the Mist IV arrived. It could carry up to 250 passengers. It was no longer used after 1997.

    In 1983 Maid of the Mist V arrived. It can carry up to 300 passengers.

    In 1990 Maid of the Mist VI arrived. It can carry up to 600 passengers.

    In 1996 the Maid of the Mist celebrated their 150th anniversary.

    In 1997 Maid of the Mist VII arrived. It can carry up to 600 passengers.

    Famous Passengers include (partial list):

    • Marilyn Monroe
    • Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson
    • Princess Diana
    • President Carter and his wife Rosalyn

    Read more of our series on Maid of the Mist, or learn more from other sites:

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