Officials seek ways to reduce Rainbow Bridge congestion

From Buffalo Business First: Ontario officials are trying to find a way to lessen traffic congestion around the Rainbow Bridge. The Niagara Falls Review reports that a public information meeting will be held this Thursday evening from 6 to 8 p.m. in Niagara Falls, Ont. “We’ve been looking at traffic entering into Canada from the…

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Niagara’s tourism industry welcomes special visitors

From the Niagara Falls Review: They are the people who can sell Niagara Falls to the world. It’s an opportunity that doesn’t come along often, so when nearly 250 representatives from travel agencies to big businesses come calling, those involved with Niagara’s tourism industry are ready to answer the call. “This is the first time…

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How Marineland Is Using the Law to Silence Protestors

From the Huffington Post: Even if you don’t care about beluga whales or how animals are treated in captivity, you may still be interested in what’s happening at Marineland. In this age of widespread protest — from the Occupy Movement to the Québec student protests to the Arab Spring — Marineland reminds us that it…

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