Plans for Niagara, Ont. zip line moving ahead

From the Buffalo News: Plans to develop a zip line program within parks in southern Ontario’s Niagara region are moving ahead, the Niagara Parks Commission announced Friday. Agency staff have been given the go-ahead to undertake the next phase of the procurement process, including the development of business plans and site plans, the commission said…

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Beluga Gone Bad? Gentle Giant Appears to Attack Trainer at Marineland

From Yahoo! News: A trainer was injured on Thursday, August 8 at Marineland, in Ontario, Canada, during a show featuring two beluga whales. The injured trainer, a young female, was taken to the hospital after the incident, according to the blog Everyone Hates Marineland. The incident was also videotaped and posted on YouTube by someone…

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Extreme kayaker abandons Falls stunt

From WIVB Channel 4 in Buffalo: An extreme kayaker who was planning to go over Niagara Falls is backing down. News 4 reported earlier this month that a kayaker was planning the stunt, but it was unclear who. On Friday, the Niagara Falls Review reported that Rafael Ortiz is abandoning his dream of going over…

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