If you’ve been following the blog for a long time, or know what hotels have been approved (but not built), then you know that several years ago the Loretto Academy on Stanley Avenue was sold. There has been talk for years that a hotel complex was going to be build. I still think it is years away from happening (if ever). If you want to see past articles, you can search the blog for the word loretto.
The other day someone sent me a link to a web page that was setup to promote the property and investment opportunities. I’m not sure when the page went live, but the it was last changed on November 12, 2012. If the project is ever started and completed, it will be very impressive!
They have already started clearing the land so this project could be a reality before we know it! It’s a massive & beautiful project especially compared to the other boring & bland skyscrapers we got!
Why is their “website” linked from Zappi’s Pizzeria?! Isn’t that a little fishy. It’s a nice idea & all, but it just seems strange.
A bit lazy & cheap maybe (for not making it’s own website) but not fishy at all, the Zappitelli family owns Zappi’s and they own the Loretto property where this project is being built. They also owned the Sheraton Fallsview but Tony sold it a couple years ago to the Marriott across the street to build up his cash reserves for this dream project of his.
totally in love with this development. one of those towers is a condo.