From the Sudbury Star:
It’s the summer of skywalks.
Hot off the heels of Nik Wallenda’s historic wirewalk across the Horseshoe Falls, Jay Cochrane is getting ready to perform the greatest building-to-building skywalk in North American history – every day for 12 weeks.
“It will be a continuation of a blockbuster summer of what this particular region was famous for ever since 100 years ago,” said Cochrane. “This is what put Niagara Falls on the map. You go anywhere else in the world, they all talk about the wirewalkers walking over Niagara Falls.”
The 68-year-old Sudbury native believes Wallenda’s tightrope performance from Goat Island, N.Y. to Table Rock last Friday will lead to more interest in his once-a-day wirewalk between the top of the Hilton Hotel to the top of the Skylon Tower.