From the Niagara Falls Review:
Is it just hogwash from hogtown?
Only time will tell.
Recent media reports out of Toronto that Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corp. plans to recommend a casino be built in Toronto have some Niagara Falls businesspeople and politicians nervous.
Provincial government officials insist the 2005 moratorium it placed on building new casinos has not been lifted.
In an e-mail response to The Niagara Falls Review Tuesday, a spokesperson for Ontario Finance Minister Dwight Duncan said the minister will not “speculate” whether or not Queen’s Park will alter its moratorium stance until it sees OLG’s report on the future of gaming in the province.
Did anyone read that the Drummond Report recommended closing one of the Casinos.? But at the same time, a OLG recommended opening a Toronto Casino. This is screwed. I highly doubt McQuinty will close a Niagara Casino, afterall he’s probably not going to do any of the cost saving recommendations in the Drummond Report, like cancelling all-day Kindergarten.