From the Niagara Falls Reporter: The Niagara Falls Reporter’s expose on the secret dealings surrounding the Maid of the Mist boat tour lease at the Niagara Parks Commission (NPC) in Ontario was instrumental in leading the minister of Tourism to order the NPC to put that lease out to bid. Subsequently, most of the NPC…

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NPC projects continue under temporary board, Booker says

From the Niagara Falls Review: Two of the big projects on the plate of the Niagara Parks Commission will continue over the winter despite Monday’s turfing of four government-appointed commissioners and their temporary replacement by six senior bureaucrats. Chairwoman Fay Booker said a government-ordered competition to pick a company to run boat tours on the…

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NPC on target for boat tour competition

From the Niagara Falls Review: The document that will spell out what the Niagara Parks Commission wants from a boat tour provider is on target for release in the next few weeks, says commission general manager John Kernahan. “It’s coming along very well. I think we’re going to be on or very close to our…

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Operators need to show innovation

From the Niagara Falls Review: Weddings aboard a tour boat in the mist of Niagara Falls could become a new tradition depending on what “innovative” ideas companies propose in their bids to operate tours from the Canadian side of the Niagara River. “You can provide anything that you think will work,” said Bill Mocsan, a…

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