Spandy Andy on Clifton Hill

Do you know who Spandy Andy is? I didn’t until a few days ago. he is a guy who wears a full body bright spandex suit and dances. He performs on the street, tried out for So You Think You Can Dance Canada, and apparently even has a gig at Marineland. I’m not really a fan of his, but I can certainly appreciate the fact he can dance, and he always seems to have a crowd around him.

When he’s dancing, he usually has someone with him filming, and he also has a camera built-in to his stereo. He then edits the videos and puts them online. To check him out, a good video to get a sense of who he is and what he does is one where he was dancing on Clifton Hill in front of the Niagara SkyWheel at night. You can view it on YouTube or below:

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