Web 2.0 – Personal interaction

    We are currently in the midst of Web 2.0. This is a time when user-generated content is exploding and social networking sites are the top visited sites. Some companies are trailblazers, others follow the pack. We’ve seen (and commented on) in Niagara Falls the numerous blogs that started up, and then seem to have disappeared. Sites like TripAdvisor are still huge, and allow people to leave comments about a property.

    A recent editorial on the Hotels Magazine web site lists a few things that companies need to do to be “Web 2.0 friendly”:

    1. Check TripAdvisor at least once a week and other social travel sites about once a month… That way, one click and you can see what people are saying about you.
    2. Set up a comprehensive Google Alert for your hotel or brand. There should be very little written about your hotel that you don’t see.
    3. When you come across something negative about your property, you should respond—but under no circumstances should you get into a debate or argument…
    4. Absolutely never misrepresent yourself. Too many hoteliers have tried and failed to pass themselves off as happy guests, giving their properties glowing reviews under the guise of anonymity…

    Given a lot of the complaints we here on this blog about the service in Niagara Falls, perhaps there are some operators who need to read this article.

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